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Catholic Churches and Villages of Nghệ-Tĩnh, c. 1932

On this map, I display all of the churches of Nghệ-Tĩnh, circa 1932, assuming that they still functioned in 1930 and subject to verification. I draw these locations from five sources, the first two from from the archives of the Mission étrangères de Paris in Paris:

  • Launay, Adrien. Carte Du Vicariat Du Tong-King Mériodinal. Paris: Missions étrangères de Paris, 1876.
  • Launay, Adrien. Carte Du Vicariat Du Cochinchine Orientale. Paris: Missions étrangères de Paris, 1876.
  • Gouvernement général de l’Indochine, Vicariat du Tonkin meridional, 1928 (GGI G1).
  • Service géographique de l’Indochine, Indochine: Missions catholiques, 1940.

The positioning of these sites is not always precise because I lack the exact location of the buildings. It would be interesting to have contemporary photographs of any of these churches that anyone would like to send along, including coordinates for the current sites and information about their relocation over time.