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Police and Army Activity Locations April 1930-Jan. 1932

This map presents a preliminary representation of the places visited in Nghe An and Ha Tinh by the Battalion mixte d’Annam (BMA) between October and December 1930, and the 13th, 14th, and 15th companies of the 5th Regiment of the French Foreign Legion between October 1930 and August 1931. The information for the BMA originates with the Journal de Marche found in the papers of Martin Troyes (q.v.). The information for the French Foreign Legion originates in the Journaux de Marche found in the files of the 1932-33 Reynaud Commission of Inquest (Commission d’Enquête) found at the Archives d’Outre-Mer in Aix-en-Provence, France carried out in the wake of the Nghe-Tinh Soviets. There are many duplicate locations, and a few locations remain in doubt, but it represents a start.

This representation originates in the GPX prepared for the representation of the routes taken by these military units. I downloaded a .csv file from it and then uploaded the waypoints into MapsMarker directly.

I am in the process of locating the journaux de marche for the 1st Regiment of Tonkinese Riflemen (1e Regiment des Tirailleurs tonkinois) and units of the Garde indigène (militia) that helped suppress the Nghệ-Tĩnh Soviets. If you have any hint of where to find the archives of these two groups, please let me know!
